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Export Targets

Export Targets determine where your generated files will go, after Regolith is finished compiling. You can set this target at the top level of Regolith, but it can be overridden inside individual profiles, if needed.

Export is an object, and the keys inside determine how it will function. The target key is required, but some export targets require additional keys.


Some configuration properties may be used with all export targets.


readOnly changes the permissions of exported files to read-only. The default value is false. This property can be used to protect against accidental editing of files that should only be edited by Regolith!

Additional Configuration for Non-Windows Users

Some of the export targets listed below wouldn't make sense on systems other than Windows with Minecraft installed. They often rely on finding the com.mojang path first, and then placing the files in a path relative to that. This problem can be solved by setting environment variables that Regolith will use instead of the com.mojang path.

  • COM_MOJANG_PREVIEW - A fake path to the com.mojang folder in Minecraft preview releases. This is used by the preview export target.
  • COM_MOJANG - A fake path to the com.mojang folder in regular Minecraft releases.

Export Targets

These are the export targets that Regolith offers.


The development export target will place the compiled packs into your com.mojang development_*_packs folders of the specified Minecraft build (standard, preview or education endition).

"export": {
    "target": "development",
    "build": "standard" // or "preview" or "education"

Optionally, you can use rpName and bpName to specify the names of the folders that will be created in the development_*_packs folders. You can read more about these options at the end of this page of the documentation.

"export": {
    "target": "development",
    "build": "standard",
    "rpName": "'my_rp'",
    "bpName": "'my_bp'"


This export target will place the compiled packs into a folder called build, created in your regolith project. This export target is mostly useful for quick testing.

"export": {
    "target": "local"

Local export optionally accepts rpName and bpName to specify the names of the folders that will be created in the build folders. You can read more about these options at the end of this page of the documentation.

"export": {
    "target": "local",
    "rpName": "'my_rp'",
    "bpName": "'my_bp'"


The Exact export target will place the files to specific, user specified locations. This is useful when you need absolute control over Regoliths export functionality.

rpPath and bpPath are required options. Both paths support environment variables by using the %VARIABLE_NAME% syntax.


"export": {
    "target": "exact",
    "rpPath": "...",
    "bpPath": "...

The exact export target doesn't support using rpName and bpName. The rpPath and bpPath should provide full paths to the desired locations.


The World export target will place the compiled files into a specific world. This is useful for teams that prefer working in-world, as opposed to in the development pack folders.

You need to use either worldName or worldPath to select the world. worldPath supports environment variables by using the %VARIABLE_NAME% syntax. If you use worldName, you have to specify the Minecraft build you're using - standard, preview or education.


"export": {
    "target": "world",
    "build": "standard",
    "worldName": "..."  // This
    // "worldPath": "..."   // OR this

Optionally, you can use rpName and bpName to specify the names of the folders that will be created in the world. You can read more about these options at the end of this page of the documentation.

"export": {
    "target": "world",
    "worldPath": "...",
    "rpName": "'my_rp'",
    "bpName": "'my_bp'"

The rpName and bpName expressions

The rpName and bpName are expressions evaulated using the go-simple-eval library. They let you specify the names of the folders of the exported packs in some of the export targets.

The go-simple-eval library allows you to use simple expressions to generate the names of the folders. The expressions can use the following variables:

  • - The name of the project.
  • - The author of the project.
  • os - The host operating system.
  • arch - The host architecture.
  • debug - whether regolith is running in debug mode or not.
  • version - The version of regolith.
  • profile - The name of the profile being run.

Go-simple-eval can concatenate strings using the + operator. The strings must be enclosed in single quotes.

Released under the MIT license.