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Profile Filters

Profile filters are a convinient way of working with multiple profiles on one project. They save you from writing repetitive code by letting you run one filter from another. Recursive dependencies are not allowed.

Running profile filter

Unlike other filters, the profile filter doesn't need to have a filter definition. You can always use it as long as you have multiple profiles.

The syntax for running a profile is this:

  "profile": "my_profile"

Simply add that to the filters list of a profile.

Here is a complete config.json example:

  "name": "nested_profilces_example",
  "author": "Bedrock-OSS",
  "packs": {
    "behaviorPack": "./packs/BP",
    "resourcePack": "./packs/RP"
  "regolith": {
    "profiles": {
      "default": {
        "filters": [
            "filter": "example_filter_1"
        "export": {
          "target": "local",
          "readOnly": false
      "extended_default": {
        "filters": [
            "profile": "default"
            "filter": "example_2"
        "export": {
          "target": "local",
          "readOnly": false
    "filterDefinitions": {
      "example_filter_1": {
        "runWith": "exe",
        "exe": "./example_1"
      "example_filter_2": {
        "runWith": "exe",
        "exe": "./example_2"
    "dataPath": "./packs/data"

In this example extended_default profile runs the default profile and then it runs additional filter called example_2.

Released under the MIT license.