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Regolith is a useful tool, but its somewhat complex compilation flow leaves room for user error. This page will explain solutions to common mistakes, as well as guide you through more complex debugging strategies.

General Debugging Tips

Reading the Console

Regolith is a console application, which means that you will need to interact with it via the terminal. When Regolith runs, it will print information into the same log. This information is very useful in debugging, as Regolith will print as much useful information as it can during failure states.

Please get comfortable reading the console output, and try to become familiar with the syntax. Warnings and errors will be printed clearly.

Check your Version

Regolith is a living, breathing application, which is receiving numerous updates. You can directly install the latest version of Regolith, or watch out for the "A new Version is Available" messages in the console output.

Common Issues

Regolith is not Recognized

When first installing Regolith, you may get an error message like this:

regolith : The term 'regolith' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. 

Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

The most common cause of this issue is incorrect installation. Here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • 1: First, try closing your shell, and opening a new one. Then rerun the regolith command.
  • 2: Try a different shell. For example gitbash or vscode instead of powershell.
  • 3: Try reinstalling Regolith
  • 4: If you cannot get Regolith installed, you may download the stand-alone .exe, and place this in your project

Crash when Running

The most common reason Regolith will crash is from a broken filter. The first step in debugging, is identifying which filter is failing. You can do so by navigating to the Regolith output log, and finding which filter caused the crash.

Filter errors will be printed like [error][filter] ... .

Python Not Found

If you get a message like [+]: Python not found, download and install it from, this means that Python either not installed, or is not available on the path.

We provide installation instructions, to help you get Python installed correctly on your system. Please be aware that Python installed via the Microsoft Store will not work with Regolith, as it generally doesn't add itself to path.

Released under the MIT license.